
Short Description

An easy to use journal/diary application. Features include: Multiple journals, Private entries, Guest mode access to public entries, Built-in database (hSQL), Supports MySQL, Easy installation, Available for Windows, Mac, Linux, etc

Detailed Description

Maintains a database of entries in a journal-like format. The user can add, edit, and delete entries. Each entry is timestamped. Easy navigation through the entries is provided. I wrote this for my personal use but decided that I would make it open source so others could benefit by it. I had been using Microsoft Access as a journal and it met all of my functional needs. However, it was not cross platform so I could not use it on my Linux box. Also, I have been trying to break my dependencies on closed source, proprietary software. Thus, PowerJournal was born.


Since a picture is worth a thousand words... click here.


Quality software isn't developed overnight. It is grown. Part of that growth process involves feedback from users. Open source software depends on this feedback as a vital tool to help make the software as rich and usable as possible. Support PowerJournal by giving feedback - whether positive or negative. There are both mailing lists and forums set up for PowerJournal users and developers to participate in. They can be found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/powerjournal/


There are several ways to help this project:


If you know Java and want to add features or even take over the project permanently, then feel free to contact me: (arrowood at users.sourceforge.net)

Monatary Donations

This software is free and no payment is required for its use.  However, donations go a long way to offset the time put into a quality peice of software. If you enjoy this software and wish to donate, please be aware that a portion will go towards charity (see below.) The rest I will spend on myself, probably on programming books or software.  Your munificence and support is appreciated!

Donate to this project Donate

The following charities will receive a percent of your donation:
10% - Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) 
10% - SourceForge.net

Postcard or Email Encouragement

If a donation isn't your style and you enjoy this software, send me a postcard from your part of the world, whether it's Kansas, Europe, China, or where ever. The encouragement will go a long way! ;-)

Chris Arrowood
2295 Golden Valley Dr
Lawrenceville GA 30043 USA

or email me (arrowood at users.sourceforge.net)

Downloads and Source Code

Installer with Source Code

You can download the latest version of PowerJournal from the project page .

Source Code

Source code can be viewed online or pulled directly from the SVN repository here:

RSS feeds of changes can also be found on the websvn  website.

You can also download a tarball of the source code of PowerJournal from the project page .


(c) 2001-2004 Chris Arrowood (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991) You may view the full copyright text at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt


Thanks to Sourceforge for their generosity in hosting this project!

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